You made it, my darlings. Congratulations to everyone on a successful year, especially to the graduating sixers.
This is a brief post, aimed at anyone planning on hanging out on the blog between now and September.
- I have begun updating the blog for summer. This update may include editing my list of suggested webpages. You should probably bookmark any sites you really like, in case I take down some of the older ones.
- Usually I post things for class on the blog. Since I don't teach in the summer (darn!), this blog will be a kid-friendly meeting place; where you can read and talk about technology.
- Feel free to respond to posts with comments and questions throughout the summer. You can even offer suggestions for post topics. This goes for parents, friends, and random web surfers as well!
- During July and August, I will continue to moderate all comments. This means that I will read each comment that is made before it is published to the web. After you click 'publish your comment', the thing that you wrote will sit in my Blogger inbox until I either publish it or reject it. I will not publish comments if they: Include last names; include inappropriate language; or include a message that says, 'please do not publish this - it is private'.
Ayez de bonnes vacances tout le monde !
Have a good vacation everybody!