Some common Internet and SMS (text messaging) acronyms include:
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
TTYL - Talk To You Later
BTW - By The Way
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
ROFL - Rolls On Floor Laughing
FTW - For The Win
Internet acronyms are awesome! They have changed the way we talk to each other. Some people even use Internet acronyms IRL (In Real Life)! Though Internet acronyms are important, we need
At the end of our acronym unit, we made LOL Pillows - little speech bubble-shaped cushions that we sewed ourselves. Each of them has an acronym stitched to it. Jennifer (BFF pillow, pictured at top) from Ms. Mojsiuk's class and Blake (LOL pillow, pictured at bottom) from Ms. Tassopoulos' class were the first ones in the whole school to complete the project. Well done!