Welcome Back!
Ah, March Break. Time to kick back, relax, and wait for school to start up again. If you're anything like I was when I was little, you really missed school. I'll be interested to hear about your adventures. During the first computer class of third term, feel free (grades 4-6) to respond to this post with a quick paragraph about your break. I'll start us off by posting a paragraph of my own as an example.
My break, so far, has not been terribly exciting. I've slept...that's been great. I have gotten to spend quality time with friends and family.
Most excitingly, I've gotten to do some serious work on your report cards (which has been going fairly quickly, considering the fact that all of my marks are computerized - not written down on paper). Finally, I've been preparing for third term...and getting assignments and projects organized so that they're ready to go after the Break.
My march break has been like yours(except the report cards). I've basiclly slept!!! But it is great to have a break!!!!! See you in 2 weeks (im going to to FLA)
My march break was pretty boring. Only, it wasn't boring at all!
I mostly went out all the time! But I was ready to go back to school everyday of the march break!
Dear "the Brom",
I'm sorry I'm a little late but I thought I'd tell you what I did over March Break. On Monday and Tuesday, I slept-over at my grandparents house. We went to mini golf on Monday and bowling on Tuesday. I also got to dog-sit Christie, my grandma's neighbours dog. She is a mini shnouzer. I fed her 4 times a day and walked her 5 times a day. On Wednesday, I went to my friend Simaran's house. On Thursday and Friday, I stayed at home with my dad. We played card games, Monopoly, watched t.v, read books and shopped at Deja Vu Discs. I had a really awesome March Break.
Amanda W.
My march break was really fun! I've been going on the Celebrity Cruise in Miami, Florida. This cruise is very fun for both kids and parents! They have special activities for kids, and they have late night shows for parents.
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