Winter Break ruled this year because Mr. Lockyer and I were married at 3pm on Christmas Day in a village called Prospect on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. We were surrounded by family and friends. Since we're Super Geeks, we streamed our wedding live on the Internet, where hundreds of people watched online.
Why did YOUR Winter Break rule?

My winter break ROCKED 'cause I got to take care of steve and I got a new Camera :)! Miss.Bromley... you didnt give us the website where your weding was being streamd :( will it still be up? If it is please post it :)!
My winter break rocks because I traveled to Europe and left school early. It also rocks because I got to meet some relatives I either forgot about or remembered hardly. I'm happy for you too since you got married and THAT ROCKS!!
Oh my gosh!My u look happy!In case you're wonderin', I'm a former student from BG who frequently checks on this site.Did u know that there's a link for this on google?
Nikole: I'll post the recording of the stream on Youtube. Remind me when we get back to school. BTW, what model of camera did you get?
Maja: If you bring digital copies of pictures to school (ask your parents first!), you can edit them in Photoshop Elements. I'll show you some neat things in that program.
Anon: I'm curious to know what search terms you used on Google, and how high up on the list this blog was. I'm sure you know this already, but Blogger is owned by Google. Lots of Blogger blogs pop up fairly high in Google results.
congrats! I'm so happy for you!My break was great to... i went skiing and snowboarding in Quebec, and probably half of my friends were there! Later, when I came back, i got Rockbamd for christmas!! I wanted it so much...I can't wait to see you again. P.S. Merry Wedding, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I find it great that your got married!:P Even thow you dont know me, i hope it goes great!:)Ivana says your great!:D
The camera that I got is the PENTAX OPTIO E60 in black... I'll bring to school to show you. I had another camera (NIKON S210 in mauve) but it broke if you want me to i'll bring it and show you what happend... but it was really small and skinny but this one looks much MUCH more durable! Thank you so much for putting you wedding up on youtube :). Hope you had fun in Europe Maja!!
I have pics of Steve and Cojo... can I send them to you on the blog for you to see them or should I send them to you off of TEL?
My winter break was awsomeee!!!!! I hope your wedding was a blast Mrs.Bromley! So what did you get for Christmas mrs. Bromley and students from B.G? I hope you get what you wanted!And on New years eve,we went to a friends house and we stayed up all night long and we watched the new years countdown untill 2009! It was a blast!
i forgot to ask you mrs bromley, but remember at the last day of school, you said that we will be starting like a project in second term; but can your project be presented on like a bulletin board? Or does it have to be presented on something electronic?
Hey Mrs.Bromley
My winter break was OKAY. I went to: the OSC with Ivana,a few parties and the mall. I can't wait to watch your wedding video! ;P
my break ROCKS.we went to play playstaion 2 at shemar`s house and i won in football 33-25.we also played guitar hero aerosmith and guitar hero 3.hope everything went good at the wedding.see u at school
My winter break rocked because i got to read a load of books=] And... i got a wii=]
That really rocks Miss Bromly that you got married.
Hey Mrs Brom,
Congrats on your wedding!!!
My winter break was awsome cuz i just got to relax and have fun watching TV going out with my mom hanging out with my friends etc....
hey!bromley i just like your new picture i love it actually! my winter break was awsome! I am a former student from BG now in grade 7!ya grade 7!hey I love all you guys see u really soon!!!!
Congrats Ms.Bromley your finally married to Luke!:) I wish I could have been there at that happy, happy moment. The pic you took was awesome.See you soon...Da GUZ!
HI MISS, bromley my name is Fouad.B
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