Friday, May 16, 2008

Grade Six: Science Project Instructions

Each project must include the following;
  1. Introduction: How will you introduce your topic to the class? What will your 'hook' be? How will you get us excited about what we are going to learn about?
  2. Talk: How will you describe your topic to the group? What visuals will you use (costumes, videos, online activities, etc)?
  3. Hands-On Section: Who will cary out the hands-on portion of your presentation? Will it be a teacher, a student, a small group of people, or everyone? What materials will you need? (be SPECIFIC!) Will you need visual aids?
  4. Review: How will you review your topic? (Will you use a game? A quiz? A blog post?) If you're going to ask questions, what questions will you ask? If you're going to do a game, will you require prizes?

While you answer the questions above, remember: You are writing a presentation outline, not a script. This excercise is not about memorizing what words your going to use, it's about understanding your topic.

I'll be around this weekend should you have any questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Bromley,

Here is my response to the science project:

. A bottle of honey
. A water bottle
. A bottle of food coloring
. A jug of cooking oil
. Modeling clay (white)
. 3 drinking straws
. 4 jelly jars
. Scissors

I will put 4 of the liquid bottles or jars on the table in front of everyone and start like this: What do these 4 things have in common? Well, they’re all liquids. And today, I will explain the difference between the different densities in each one. Now, let’s begin…

A simple hydrometer
A hydrometer is also known as a density measurer. And my first experiment will do this: it will determine the densities in each of these liquids: honey, cooking oil, and colored water (water, and food coloring combined).

1) Cut three equal lengths of drinking straw 2 inches long. Take a small ball of modeling clay.
2) Attach the clay to the end of the straw. Place it in a jar of water to see how deep it floats.
3) Adjust the amount of clay so one third of the straw floats above the surface.
4) Make more clay balls the same size and weight. Attach them to the other straws. Then put them in the other jars containing the oil, and the honey.
Then, wait for a few seconds. Observe this: which is denser? Which is least dense? Which one has the medium density?

Liquid layers
Try slowly pouring some honey into an empty jelly jar to make a 3-4-inch layer on the bottom. Then, add a 3-4-inch layer of colored water. Finally, add a 3-4-inch layer of cooking oil. Do the three different layers stay separate or unseperate due to their different densities?

Answer these questions:
-What is density?
-What and what equals what?
-Which liquid was least dense?
-What happened when the 3 liquids were put in the same jar in experiment #2?

In my experiments, I will need one volunteer. I WILL ALSO BE DOING THIS EXPERIMENT.

In my presentation, I will be providing an on-line quiz for a review.
No funding needed.


Amanda .W.